Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy day!!

The boys are home!!!! I can't believe it! Here are some pictures:
This is when they got home:
Sorry the picture is blurry.


  1. SO cute! I bet you guys we so excited to hold them finally! They look so strong. I'm so happy they're home. Thanks for the post!

  2. It is really exciting to hold them! Although now since they've been home for 2 days, it's kind of getting old! :) But they're still SO fun!!

  3. I am so happy those little sweeties found their way home! I can't wait to come and help!

  4. Oh My Gosh!!!!!! They're sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!! Aww I need to come see you guys soon but for the next 3 Saturdays im busy but we'll have to get together!
