Sunday, July 11, 2010

Girls Camp 2010

Girls camp this year was fun! I got back about 2 weeks ago. These are my friends--Taylor and Breanna. This was one of our cabins:
This was me and Breanna's bunk:
We were on a hike and there were tons of quaking aspens everywhere:
There were these cool tropical plants by my cabin. It had just rained in this picture so I thought it was really pretty:
One of my leaders braided my hair:
We did a lot of spiritual stuff too. Like a walk with Christ, 30 minutes of quiet scripture time daily, testimony meetings, and devotionals. We also made really cute crafts. I had a really good time at girls camp.


  1. Looks like SO much fun, Rach! I love the picture of the plant by your cabin...very artistic.

    You all look so cute! My girls camp pics kinda make me cringe. ;)

  2. Looks like you had a great time Rachel - and great photo's as well!
